Get Into Business, The Prince's Trust
Amount donated: £25,975
The Prince's Trust's Get into programme was launched in 2005 when 17 young people from Glasgow took part in Get into Cooking. In 2007 The Wood Foundation decided to start funding the programme which enabled The Prince's Trust to develop and grow the scheme across Scotland. Since then over 2000 young people have taken part in the programme and it has grown to include 70 Get into courses in sectors including cooking, hospitality, the motor trade, engineering, retail, health & social care, security, facilities management, IT, oil and gas, logistics, construction and rural skills.
In the last financial year 650 young people came through the Get into programme, with three in four achieving positive outcomes and over half of them finding employment. This coming financial year The Prince's Trust is on target to run 70 courses and reach over 900 young people in Scotland. Allan Watt, Director of The Prince's Trust, Scotland. "The Prince's Trust is delighted to help young people 'Get into sustainable careers with a fantastic package of training and work experience. Thanks to our work with funders and partners from across the public and private sector we have been able to give even more young people across Scotland the chance to reach their full potential."
We all want to encourage Young Women who aspire to work in the business world of today to do just that. With your support at our lunch we will be able to help a few more to achieve their dream.

Jill Marx
Jill was educated in Scotland and Switzerland and brought up in Perthshire. She worked in the art world for 10 years and is now a director of two private investment companies based in Dundee.
Jill trained and works as a Progression Mentor with the Prince's Trust, teaches gardening at a C of E school in Fulham, is on the garden committee of the Hurlingham Club and organises events to support Fairbridge.
“This is the eighth Women of Achievement Lunch and I am delighted to welcome you all here. We hope you will enjoy meeting up with old friends, making new ones and listening to our amazing speakers who are such an important feature of this lunch. This year's lunch is being held to support the work of The Prince's Trust in Scotland in their Get Into and Apprenticeship programmes. It has been my privilege to work as a Progression Mentor at the charity and I have found these two programmes to be of enormous support in helping young people from very disadvantaged backgrounds, often with no GCSEs, decide what path to take in life and to learn a skill which will lead to work.
You will hear more about this from Rachel Case.
We are fortunate to have as our speakers Victoria Borwick, Sara Jones and Anna Redwood. They are all extremely busy people and we are so grateful to them for coming to talk to us today.
Last year we raised nearly £17,000 for The Prince's Trust Scotland Explore Enterprise programme and we hope to raise at least as much this year.
We are hugely grateful to our sponsors whose generosity ensures that every penny from the ticket sales will go to The Prince's Trust. Our Silver Gilt sponsors are RBS, whilst our Silver sponsors are Diageo and Gleneagles and for the first time Mactaggart and Mickel. I would also like to thank all those who have donated raffle prizes and advertised in the programme.
Last, but not least, I would like to say a huge thank you to the committee who have given so willingly of their time, talents and hard work to make this lunch a success.”


Rachel Case – Director, Regional Private Sector Fundraising, The Prince’s Trust
Rachel has been part of the Senior Fundraising Team at The Prince's Trust since July 2013 responsible for fundraising strategy and implementation. Rachel leads the 40 strong Regional Private Sector Team including the Scottish team. She is responsible for The Prince's Trust's regional income of around £10m and additionally a £3m budget of income raised through Trusts and Foundations.
Working in partnership with a series of Regional Development Committees and the Scottish Council comprised of senior volunteers supporting the work of The Trust to help disadvantaged young people in the UK to change their lives and get into employment, education and training.
Rachel has over 20 years of extensive fundraising experience in senior roles at the NSPCC and Kids Company. She lives in North London with her husband and has four sons.

Victoria Borwick, AM – Deputy Mayor of London
As The Deputy Mayor of London, Victoria undertakes engagements on behalf of the Mayor, Boris Johnson, and represents him at local and Londonwide events.
Victoria was elected as a Member of the London Assembly in 2008 and serves on the Transport Committee and the Police and Crime Committee.
Victoria has recently launched "The Invisible Costs of Mental ill Health" which is the Mayor's report on the cost of Mental Health to the London Economy. She has spoken on behalf of the Mayor at conferences on reducing the use of illicit tobacco, early intervention on alcohol abuse, reducing obesity and issues surrounding dementia. Victoria has also campaigned for more action to be taken on the issue of FGM across London.
Victoria has also been working on the Mayor's Health Commission Victoria was born in London and has lived and worked here all her life. Married to Jamie, they have four children; Victoria had twenty years in business before going into politics. In her business life she was a Director of Clarion Events, a subsidy of the P&O group. She has been a Kensington and Chelsea Councillor since 2002, and is Chairman of Borough Community Relations. Victoria is also a Freeman of the City of London from 1999 and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers from 2000.

Anna Redwood – Figurative Painter and War Artist
Anna was born in 1967, the daughter of a Scottish Army Officer. She studied at Newcastle College of Art followed by Cecil Graves Academy in Florence and now lives in Somerset with her husband and five children.
She works in many different media and enjoys the challenge of creating artwork to reflect the themes and stories which unfold around her be it a painting or sculpture. She has had numerous one man shows in the UK, she has exhibited in London, Edinburgh and internationally in Paris, Singapore, Hong Kong and New York. She has shown a number of paintings at the RA, has been awarded many prizes over the years and is a member of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters.
Having had a significant painting for the Royal Regiment of Scotland unveiled by the HM The Queen she was then invited to go to Afghanistan as the Official Brigade War Artist for 7th Armoured Brigade, The Desert Rats.
Going to Afghanistan for a month, Anna had almost no communication with her family which proved to be an extraordinarily revealing and life changing experience.

Sara Jones, CBE. DL – Chairman of Military Charities. Widow of H Jones VC
I spent most of my childhood in the New Forest followed by Secretarial college in Oxford and working at the House of Commons for various Members of Parliament.
After 18 years as a military wife and my husband's death in the Falkland Islands in 1982 I moved to Wiltshire. I have two sons and five grandchildren.
I was a magistrate for over 25 years which gave a great framework to my life. I was also hugely privileged to be a Commissioner of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission for 8 years. I have been involved with the Poppy Factory at Richmond since 1983 as a Trustee and now as President. The Royal British Legion Women's Section has played a large part of my life and I am a National Vice President. The Falkland Families Association was formed in 1983 and I have been the Chairman for many years and I am a Trustee of the Falkland Island Memorial Chapel at Pangbourne.
My life is very busy with other local charities but I find time for travel, walking miles with my labrador, riding and gardening.